A reference-area-free strain mapping method using precession electron diffraction data
In this work, we developed a method using precession electron diffraction data to map the residual elastic strain at the nano-scale. The diffraction pattern of each pixel was first collected and denoised. Template matching was then applied using the center spot as the mask to identify the positions of the diffraction disks. Statistics of distances between the selected diffracted disks enable the user to make an informed decision on the reference and to generate strain maps. Strain mapping on an unstrained single crystal sapphire shows the standard deviation of strain measurement is 0.5%. With this method, we were able to successfully measure and map the residual elastic strain in VO2 on sapphire and martensite in a Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20 shape memory alloy. This approach does not require the user to select a “strain-free area” as a reference and can work on datasets even with the crystals oriented away from zone axes. This method is expected to provide a robust and more accessible alternative means of studying the residual strain of various material systems that complements the existing algorithms for strain mapping.