Blackburn is an NREL senior scientist, manager of the Materials Physics group, and a Distinguished Member of the Research Staff. He has led Thrusts for several multi-institution centers, including NREL’s BES Solar Photochemistry Core Program, the CHOISE EFRC ‘Center for Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy,’ and NREL’s EERE Hydrogen Sorption Center of Excellence.
Andrew Ferguson
(Associate Director)
Andrew Ferguson is an NREL Senior Scientist in the Chemistry & Nanoscience Center and Group Leader for Spectroscopy and Photoscience, and serves as a reMIND Associate Director. As part of reMIND, he will lead cross-cutting transient and in-situ spectroscopy studies and will facilitate interfacing between REMIND and NREL management and EH&S.
Katie Jungjohann
(Co-Lead Thrust X)
Jungjohann is Group Manager of the Analytical Microscopy and Imaging Sciences group at NREL.
Lance Wheeler
(Co-Lead, Early-Stage Investigator Professional Development)
Wheeler is a staff scientist at NREL. Dr. Wheeler has contributed to various multi-institution BES-funded research centers such as NREL’s Solar Photochemistry Core Program and the Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics, a former EFRC.