Texas A&M University; Materials Science and Engineering Dept.
(Co-Lead Thrust 1)
Shamberger is an associate professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. Prior to this, he served as a materials research engineer for the Air Force Research Lab in the Nanoelectronic Materials Branch.
Shamberger’s research focuses on reversible phase transformations, including understanding the role and implications of irreversible thermodynamics in energy dissipation in near equilibrium phase transformations. He lead’s inverse design efforts to map the electrical response of non-trivial ensembles of neuromorphic elements to intrinsic material and molecular properties. He experimentally investigates the role of site-selective modification in modulating intercalation phenomena, affecting energy landscapes, and altering transformation mechanisms.
- Yano A, Clarke H, Sellers D, Braham E, Alivio T, Banerjee S, Shamberger P. Toward High-Precision Control of Transformation Characteristics in VO 2 through Dopant Modulation of Hysteresis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2020 September 04; 124(39):21223-21231. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c04952
- Sellers D, Braham E, Villarreal R, Zhang B, Parija A, Brown T, Alivio T, Clarke H, De Jesus L, Zuin L, Prendergast D, Qian X, Arroyave R, Shamberger P, Banerjee S. Atomic Hourglass and Thermometer Based on Diffusion of a Mobile Dopant in VO 2. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2020 August 12; 142 (36):15513-15526. doi: 10.1021/jacs.0c07152
- Clarke H, Deremo L, Anderson J, Ganguli S, Shamberger P. Conductive filament shape in HfO2 electrochemical metallization cells under a range of forming voltages. Nanotechnology. 2020 February 07; 31 (7):075706-. doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab53a9
- Clarke H, Carraway B, Sellers D, Braham E, Banerjee S, Arróyave R, Shamberger P. Nucleation-controlled hysteresis in unstrained hydrothermal V O 2 particles. Physical Review Materials. 2018 October 9; 2(10):-. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.103402
- Bradicich A, Clarke H, Braham E, Yano A, Sellers D, Banerjee S, Shamberger P. Probing Relaxation Dynamics and Stepped Domain Switching in Boron-Alloyed VO2. Advanced Electronic Materials. 2021 November 19; 8 (3):2100932-. doi: 10.1002/aelm.202100932