Texas A&M University; Chemistry Dept.
(Co-Lead, Thrust X)
Arróyave is Presidential Impact Fellow, Chancellor EDGES Fellow, and Professor of Materials Science at Texas A&M. He is Director of an NSF Research Traineeship program that provides a template for interdisciplinary doctoral training that we will further expand under reMIND.
Perla Balbuena
Texas A&M University; Chemical Engineering Dept.
(Co-Lead Thrust 2)
Balbuena is TEES Eminent Professor in Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M. She leads DOE-sponsored projects in the field of battery materials and catalysis.
Sarbajit Banerjee
Texas A&M University; Chemistry Dept.
(Associate Director)
Banerjee is the Davidson Chair in Science and Chancellor EDGES Fellow at Texas A&M University, and is a faculty member in the Chemistry and the Materials Science and Engineering Departments. As founding Co-Director of the New York State Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics, he directed more than 50 researchers.
Marcetta Darensbourg
Texas A&M University; Chemistry Dept.
(Co-Lead, Thrust 3)
Darensbourg is a Distinguished Professor and Davidson Chair in Science at Texas A&M. She was elected to the National Academy of Science in 2017.
Andrew Ferguson
(Associate Director)
Andrew Ferguson is an NREL Senior Scientist in the Chemistry & Nanoscience Center and Group Leader for Spectroscopy and Photoscience, and serves as a reMIND Associate Director. As part of reMIND, he will lead cross-cutting transient and in-situ spectroscopy studies and will facilitate interfacing between REMIND and NREL management and EH&S.
Jinghua Guo
Advanced Light Source, LBNL
(Co-Lead Thrust 2)
Guo is a Senior Scientist at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) and leads the RIXS Program on beamlines for RIXS and Operando-X-ray absorption spectroscopy end-stations.
Katie Jungjohann
(Co-Lead Thrust X)
Jungjohann is Group Manager of the Analytical Microscopy and Imaging Sciences group at NREL.
Suhas Kumar
Sandia National Lab
(Co-Lead Thrust 1)
Kumar is a Sandia Principal Scientist and directs the Nonlinear Electronic Devices and Materials group.
Matt Pharr
Texas A&M University; Mechanical Engineering Dept.
(Co-Lead, Early-Stage Investigator Professional Development)
Pharr is an associate professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. Pharr directs a solid mechanics research group in Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M.
Eli Rotenberg
Advanced Light Source, LBNL
(Lead, Community Access)
Rotenberg is a Senior Scientist at the Advanced Light Source, and is Project Leader of the ALS MAESTRO beamline. He initiated and successfully built the first nano-ARPES experiment. MAESTRO brings the world’s highest ARPES resolution to REMIND. As part of reMIND, Rotenberg will leverage his extensive experience with running national user facilities.