Texas A&M University; Chemistry Dept.
(Co-Lead, Thrust X)
Arróyave is Presidential Impact Fellow, Chancellor EDGES Fellow, and Professor of Materials Science at Texas A&M. He is Director of an NSF Research Traineeship program that provides a template for interdisciplinary doctoral training that we will further expand under reMIND.
Perla Balbuena
Texas A&M University; Chemical Engineering Dept.
(Co-Lead Thrust 2)
Balbuena is TEES Eminent Professor in Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M. She leads DOE-sponsored projects in the field of battery materials and catalysis.
Sarbajit Banerjee
Texas A&M University; Chemistry Dept.
(Associate Director)
Banerjee is the Davidson Chair in Science and Chancellor EDGES Fellow at Texas A&M University, and is a faculty member in the Chemistry and the Materials Science and Engineering Departments. As founding Co-Director of the New York State Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics, he directed more than 50 researchers.
Jeff Blackburn
Blackburn is an NREL senior scientist, manager of the Materials Physics group, and a Distinguished Member of the Research Staff. He has led Thrusts for several multi-institution centers, including NREL’s BES Solar Photochemistry Core Program, the CHOISE EFRC ‘Center for Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy,’ and NREL’s EERE Hydrogen Sorption Center of Excellence.
Marcetta Darensbourg
Texas A&M University; Chemistry Dept.
(Co-Lead, Thrust 3)
Darensbourg is a Distinguished Professor and Davidson Chair in Science at Texas A&M. She was elected to the National Academy of Science in 2017.
Andrew Ferguson
(Associate Director)
Andrew Ferguson is an NREL Senior Scientist in the Chemistry & Nanoscience Center and Group Leader for Spectroscopy and Photoscience, and serves as a reMIND Associate Director. As part of reMIND, he will lead cross-cutting transient and in-situ spectroscopy studies and will facilitate interfacing between REMIND and NREL management and EH&S.
Jinghua Guo
Advanced Light Source, LBNL
(Co-Lead Thrust 2)
Guo is a Senior Scientist at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) and leads the RIXS Program on beamlines for RIXS and Operando-X-ray absorption spectroscopy end-stations.
Katie Jungjohann
(Co-Lead Thrust X)
Jungjohann is Group Manager of the Analytical Microscopy and Imaging Sciences group at NREL.
Suhas Kumar
Sandia National Lab
(Co-Lead Thrust 1)
Kumar is a Sandia Principal Scientist and directs the Nonlinear Electronic Devices and Materials group.
Matt Pharr
Texas A&M University; Mechanical Engineering Dept.
(Co-Lead, Early-Stage Investigator Professional Development)
Pharr is an associate professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. Pharr directs a solid mechanics research group in Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M.