Advanced Light Source, LBNL
(Lead, Community Access)
Rotenberg is a Senior Scientist at the Advanced Light Source, and is Project Leader of the ALS MAESTRO beamline. He initiated and successfully built the first nano-ARPES experiment. MAESTRO brings the world’s highest ARPES resolution to REMIND. As part of reMIND, Rotenberg will leverage his extensive experience with running national user facilities.
Patrick Shamberger
Texas A&M University; Materials Science and Engineering Dept.
(Co-Lead Thrust 1)
Shamberger is an associate professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. Prior to this, he served as a materials research engineer for the Air Force Research Lab in the Nanoelectronic Materials Branch.
Alec Talin
Sandia National Lab
(Co-Lead Thrust 3)
Talin is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, an Adjunct Associate Professor of Materials Science at the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Lance Wheeler
(Co-Lead, Early-Stage Investigator Professional Development)
Wheeler is a staff scientist at NREL. Dr. Wheeler has contributed to various multi-institution BES-funded research centers such as NREL’s Solar Photochemistry Core Program and the Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics, a former EFRC.
Stan Williams
Texas A&M University; Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
R. Stanley Williams, one of the initiators of neuromorphic computing, joined Texas A&M in 2019 as Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering after 23 years at Hewlett Packard. Williams served in various management roles in HP/HPE, included Laboratory Director, Chief Technologist for Sensing Solutions, and most recently, Director of the Rebooting Computing program. He previously served on the BES Advisory Committee.